In the past few months we have all experienced a stretching of our familiar way of life. We have had our social life, work life and even our spiritual life readjusted to try and accommodate what is being mandated and yet throughout these life shifts we sense that God is working to orchestrate change for our good despite what the enemy meant for our harm. I personally saw how God intervened during the very month our HUGS board had decided to make a proposal to the Healing Hands Foundation by postponing our efforts because God had a much better time frame three months later. During those three months God brought many more partners which will be instrumental in meeting our matching funds goal. The Healing Hands foundation is willing to match any funds we receive up to $15,000. We have until August 1, 2020 to meet this goal. Any person, family or business who is able to donate $2,000 will have a personalized plaque in one of the new school classrooms in their honor. Donors may also ask for a plaque to be in memory of a special loved one.
This project will facilitate the Pillars of Africa Children's Ministry (PACM) in partnership with Hearts United in God's Service (HUGS) to purchase land and a school building in addition to constructing another building with 5 more classrooms, a conference room and an office. Currently, PACM can educate 50 orphaned and abandoned children in their rented building in Manyangwa, Uganda. With the successful completion of this project, they will be able to educate approximately 150 children.
We thank you in advance for your prayers and financial consideration in helping us transform the lives of the children through this project. The matching funds project will end August 1, 2020. We are so thankful for each of you and for God being our provider and sustainer through every life changing event. Please enjoy hearing more about this fundraiser from our HUGS President, Melissa Street. This video gives a wonderful overview of God's journey that led us to connecting with the Healing Hands Foundation matching grant project.
Fundraising: You can now choose to support Hearts United in God's Service (HUGS) when you shop on Same prices and selection as, but when you shop on Amazon Smile, a percentage of your purchase goes to the charity of your choosing. It is an easy way to shop for what you need and help the children at PACM at the same time!
Episode 1: FIXER UPPER : In May we made an appeal to have the PACM kitchen upgraded. When you see the before pics below you may say LIST IT because I don't LOVE IT. This is where the ladies cooked the food for 46 children.
Then we saw God, in record time, provide $350 at a time when many people were uncertain about our economy.
Our donors gave generously to bless PACM with a new kitchen.
This is a testimony of how God continues to creatively meet the needs of PACM through our faithful donors.
Old exterior of kitchen.
The new exterior construction of the kitchen.
New cement cooking stove.
Child Spotlight: FAITH’S STORY
Faith Namugambe was born when her mother was still in school. When Faith was born her mother's parent-in-laws told Faith’s mother that they did not want their son to father the child. Through God’s mercy, Faith was able to grow up with her mother for several years. Later circumstances arose that the father could not be a part of Faith’s life so the mother, who is very young felt for Faith to be able to have an education and her basic needs met she would place her in the care of Pillars.
Faith is 10 years old and she is in primary two. Faith loves to sing and dance and her dream is to be a nurse. She has been sponsored which is such a huge blessing. HUGS has 46 children who are being cared for and each one is looking forward to meeting and building a relationship with his/her sponsor. Currently, 12 of the 46 children have sponsors. Your donation of $78. a month provides food, shelter, education and basic needs for a child. There is also an option to do a partial sponsorship for $39. a month. We look forward to the day all children have a special sponsor that is invested in seeing God’s purpose for their child’s life nurture and grow.