A Date to Remember
Baby Benedict Kunihira was born July 1, 2020 weighing 7 lbs.
This bundle of joy joined his brother, Benjamin, sister, Betinah, and his amazing parents Patrick and Madinah. After having some difficulty in labor Madinah was able to have a C-section. We are thankful mommy and baby are doing well. Benedict
means "Blessed." Patrick said he likes names that start "BE" so Baby Benedict is sure to "BE Blessed."
Patrick and Madinah are parental leaders to so many vunerable children. They truly are a "BLESSING"
God Gets All the Glory
This past month doTERRA's Healing Hands Foundation partnered with Hearts United in God's Service to facilitate a matching funds grant for Pillars of Africa Children's Ministry (PACM). Thank you to all our donors who dug deep and raised over $15,000 which became $30,000 to purchase land and a school building in addition to constructing another building with 5 more classrooms, a conference room and an office.
Currently, PACM can educate 50 orphaned and abandoned children in their rented building in Manyangwa, Uganda. Now with the successful completion of this project, they will be able to educate approximately 150 children.
This matching fund campaign would not have been possible without the countless hours Melissa Street (HUGS Board President) sacrificially spent writing the proposal and Anne Tetzlaff's (doTERRA Diamond Leader) support and endorsement of the project. We will keep you updated on the building project and this incredible God gift to help create a more sustainable facility to reach and teach more children in a loving Christian environment.
Child Spotlight
Bashir Ssekito
Bashir is 13 years old. He is in Primary 4. He loves helping others and he wants to become a pastor.
Bashir was born into a Muslim family. His father abandoned them in 2016 when his wife became a Christian. She has no job and is unable to care for the children. She turned to Pillars for help. Bashir loves living at Pillars where he is cared for and able to go to school and have regular meals. He is very kind and he never complains or asks for anything in return.
Your tax deducible donation will help to provide food, clothing, health care and education for this child. What a tremendous investment in seeing his calling ignited.
Bashir has been partially sponsored. Your monthly gift of $39 would fully fund this precious child. Thank you for partnering with us to give these children hope and a future.
This past month has so many exciting God victories that totally "Blew the Lid Off" our expectations giving us even more joyful reasons to celebrate all God has accomplished. Please continue to pray for each child to connect with a loving sponsor and for our HUGS and PACM leaders as they seek God's guidance.