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Mission • Vision • Values


To serve underprivileged youth at the Pillars of Africa Children's Ministry in Manyangwa, Uganda, by providing monetary, material and prayerful support to meet educational, physical, and spiritual needs.

(Matthew 25:40)


Every child in Uganda who receives assistance through our ministry will grow and thrive physically, mentally and spiritually; and will become instrumental in the healing and restoration of their communities. 



We value the Word of God, and are committed to partnering with The Pillars of Africa Children’s Ministry (PACM) to ensure each child has their own Bible so they can know the truth of God’s love for them. (John 3:16)



We believe Prayer is vital for keeping us in step with God as we seek to be of service. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)



We know that everything we have belongs to God, and therefore, we are accountable to Him for using those resources wisely. (Psalm 24:1)



We are committed to dedicating our time and resources to finding monthly sponsorships for the orphaned and vulnerable children at PACM, so they may receive food, medical care, and education, to break the chains of poverty in their lives. (James 1:27)



We acknowledge that Jesus said love is the greatest commandment of all (Matthew 22:37-38), and that we are to not seek our own good, but the good of others. (1 Corinthians 10:24)  As we join with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ to meet the most basic of human needs for these children, we do so with hearts full of humility and love for our Ugandan neighbors. 

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©2019 by Hearts United in God's Service Inc.

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